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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Bob shares his journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.

Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Bob is the former CEO of five companies, the author of Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Poetry, Prose, and Curious Verse, and the co-author of Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations, a 2013 International Book Awards Winner, called “the best leadership book since Good to Great.”

Expert Areas

Student of Leadership

Biggest Entrepreneur Failure

Despite being CEO of several companies, Bob was fired twice for not being aligned with the board. He wanted to build something with heart, not stock prices. This taught him that you have to be aligned with what a company wants to be happy and successful.

How to Generate Leads

Have to be careful when looking for leads; finding a trusting customer who is not abusive

Favorite Brand and Why?

Ritz Carlton Hotels – Their tagline “Ladies and Gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen”

Best Success Book

Good to Great by Jim Collins – Get the Book

Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book

What “Conscious” Means

Morally aware of your choices

Create Your Ideal Legacy

Bob wants to leave a world a better place and to change hearts and minds about leadership.

Connect with Bob

Connect on:  Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Poetry, Prose, and Curious Verse by Bob Vanourek– Get the Book

Your FREE Gift

Excerpts from “Leadership Wisdom” Book


Free Resources!

  1. Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire Institute!
  2. First Millionaire Manifesto – Discover the 7 Steps to 7 Figures. Build your 7-figure conscious business!
  3. Millionaire Inner Zone Audio – Empower your mind to consciously attract money