How to Build a High-Profit

Conscious Business!




Conscious Millionaire is where impact driven entrepreneurs come to build high-profit businesses that uplift their clients and humanity.

We work with established service and tech entrepreneurs, achievers seeking to challenge their limits and breakout to make bigger money and a greater difference!

You may be wondering, “Why aren’t I already at my next level?”

Right now, you may have a significant business challenge that is keeping you from making the money and visionary impact you want.

Something is holding you back. Truth is that something isn’t only external. It also includes you. That’s because your business growth lays on top of your own growth.

For your business to breakout, you must breakout!


Imagine unlocking your mind’s potential, developing high-profit strategies, then executing at a level that you’ve never achieved before – perhaps even your Big One!

How excited would you feel? What difference would you now choose to make? And, in what ways do you imagine your life and legacy changing?

The journey begins by tapping into your mind’s full potential, creating greater awareness, and having experiences such as deep-flow, synchronicity, and intuitive hunches.

This is how Steve Jobs envisioned the iPhone and many high-impact, disruptive ideas emerge!

However, as powerful as awakening your mind is, alone it’s not enough. That’s why we combine it with powerful strategies and execution. That’s how to accelerate your business – starting now!

At Conscious Millionaire, we don’t just coach and train you, we guide you to acheive your next level. That’s why so many clients receive a High ROI from working with us.

1,000’s have participated in our coaching and trainings. Millions have heard our podcast.


Revenues mid-6 to 8-figures? Invest 30 minutes with JV. Clarify your Key 12-Month Outcome and what’s blocking you from achieving it! Sign Up for Your FREE “Performance Breakout!”



“After years of struggling to reach 1M, I realized I had a “monkey mind.” Through JV’s guidance and coaching, I was able to breakthout and start performing at a significantly higher level. We have doubled from 1M to 2M in just 5 months!”

– *Jon Delucia, Client, Entrepreneur

“My business had plateaued. It wasn’t growing. Then I started working with JV and realized that my real problem was I didn’t value my own worth and what I was delivering. Since JV began coaching and mentoring me, I have increased my revenues by 4X!”

– *Laura Sicola PhD, Client, Coach, Entrepreneur

“Mentoring with JV has helped me change my mindset. In just a short two months, our revenue had an amazing 30% increase and continues to grow rapidly!”

– *Pol Cousineau, Client, Entrepreneur, Marketer