Launched in 2005 by Arianna Huffington and Co-Founder Kenneth Lerer, The Huffington Post describes itself as “The destination for news, blogs and original content offering coverage of US politics, entertainment, style, world news, technology and comedy.”

Journalism itself, and the ways that we consume and interact with news, are rapidly evolving as the Internet continues to tangle itself with our everyday lives. Huffington noted (in a talk at Tufts University) that, “Self expression has become the new entertainment. People want to express themselves—they want to be part of the story of their times, and that’s incredibly healthy.” She goes on to say that, “Rather than just consuming news, people now comment on it, share it, and pass it on, forming a “much more dynamic process.

I see this as part of the greater shift in consciousness that we are experiencing right now. In the business world, many entrepreneurs, including startups that want to create meaningful change, are moving away from the “profit above all else” mentality, and adopting an approach that says it’s important to build a business that provides value and fulfillment – not only for themselves, but also for their clients and society as a whole.  This “Inclusive Model” where the sole focus shifts to creating something that betters the lives of everyone is powerful!

The Huffington Post has become one of the largest and most empowering media platforms that exist. From day one they took a path that allowed anyone, indeed everyone, to take part in this global conversation, a discussion around the news that is about more than the news – it’s about our lives, it’s about connecting with others, and it’s about sharing information that matters to us. Moreover, it’s about our helping to shape the story of our own time.

Today, The Huffington Post is an outlet for thousands of contributing writers, from actors and musicians, to politicians, academic and thought leaders, founders and many of the most talented journalists we know.

I’m honored to join this team of contributors, and I don’t take lightly the responsibility that comes with this platform.  In efforts to start this column off in a conscious direction, one that gives back and establishes a framework of transparency for readers, I would like to talk for a moment about how this came together.

Each year I attend numerous conferences and events; personally, as a business coach, and an entrepreneur, I know the immense value of meeting, listening to and learning from the stories of others.  This year I made it a point to attend the annual California Women’s Conference in Long Beach held in May, 2014.

Michelle-Patterson-speaker-squareMichelle Patterson, who is the President & CEO of both the Women Network, LLC and The California Women’s Conference is fueled by the mindset that each of us has something meaningful and relevant to contribute, and that when we come together in support of one another (and our shared goals) that: “We are truly Better…” This is a woman who has dedicated her purpose and strengths to empowering each of us (male or female) to work together, lift each other up and fulfill our own potential.

As if in some way that’s not enough to get behind, the annual conference holds itself on a mission of: “empowering women to see themselves as the organizers of their lives, to make a difference in their communities and in their world, and to pass it on.”  This is exactly the kind of gathering where one can expect to hear wonderful and deeply personal stories about amazing projects.

These are the places where people, filled with passion and purpose, come together to share in a greater oneness, ignite ideas and support each other on the New Entrepreneur Path that I wrote about previously on the Huffington Post – and it’s exactly the kind of place that I like to be.

HuffingtonAt this year’s conference, Arianna Huffington was among the speakers and her Keynote on “Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder” had a particular impact on me.  The talk, much like her new book, Thrive, is about redefining success; it’s about evolving your priorities and the ways in which you pursue goals so that you find a greater sense of meaning and fulfillment along the journey.

After her speech, I met her in the signing event for her book, “Thrive” and gave her a copy of my own book. We had a short conversation, and Arianna offered me the opportunity to write for the Huffington Post.

In my column at the Huffington Post, I will provide articles, strategies, and coaching insights about building a conscious business, which include how you can create high profits while also making a difference in your business and life.

I will highlight individuals and organizations that do an exemplary job of building businesses designed to improve life and uplift humanity, who give back through their businesses and lives, and who create positive change in the world. Further, I will discuss thoughts and ideas about the conscious movement as a whole.

This blog is my tribute to two women who present a new vision of what is possible for all humanity: Arianna Huffington and Michelle Patterson.

If you are interested in learning more about Arianna Huffington, Michelle Patterson and their projects – I highly suggest you start here: Thrive, California Women’s Conference, Women Change the World.