Your Headquarter for Conscious Entrepreneurs and Founders!


“Through JV’s guidance and performance coaching, I was able to double my business from 1M to a 2M run rate in just 5 months!”

– *Jon Delucia, Client, Entrepreneur

“Year after year, my business has shown amazing growth since I started coaching and training with JV. I have increased my revenue by 4X!”

– *Laura Sicola, Client, Entrepreneur

“Mentoring with JV has helped me change my mindset. In just two months, our revenue had an amazing 30% increase and continues to grow rapidly!”

– *Pol Cousineau, Client, Entrepreneur, Marketer

Who is a Conscious Entrepreneur? A founder, business owner, entrepreneur who wants to combine strong financial success and wealth building with positively impacting our world!

At Conscious Millionaire, we specialize in High 6- and 7-Figure Service and Tech entrepreneurs. Our typical clients have revenues from 500K to 10M.

BREAKOUT: Will this be your breakout year? The year in which you breakout to a new, significantly higher level?

OUR PROMISE: We integrate the practical application of conscious principles with a proven financial model to create the conscious business solutions you want and need.

THE BIG PROBLEM: You and I are living in a world that is increasingly unstable. What we thought we could count on yesterday, can evaporate today without warning.

You may be scared you could lose ground, even reverse sales, feeling flat out exhausted with little time “left over” for you – tired of pushing, often feeling out of control. And, you are trying to keep your team motivated to not just perform, but think differently.

Right now, you are seeking solid answers that you can trust and rely upon.

THE BIG SOLUTION: Our Founder, JV Crum III, developed the 7-Performance Mindset System. Each mindset has a unique formula designed to unlock and awaken higher levels of your potential.

However, as important as mindset is, alone it is not enough. To consistently reach new levels, you must perform at your highest in all three performance areas:


With 100M listeners, and thousands of episodes, JV Hosts the World’s #1 Podcast for Conscious Entrepreneurs and Founders Signup and listen here

And, 1,000’s have participated in our coaching and trainings. We are the place impact-driven founders and entrepreneurs come to grow a high-profit business that uplifts humanity!

As a serial-entrepreneur, who has built and sold companies, JV understands what it is like to be in the trenches, build teams, create organizational structure and negotiate deal flow.

Graduate degrees in three disciplines provides JV a unique perspective: JD, MBA, MS Psychology. His transformational work includes living at a Buddhist Monastery and Esalen, while also attending and leading trainings on Higher-Consciousness.