Sponsor of Conscious World Foundation

Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC is proud to be the Platinum Sponsor of Conscious World Foundation Inc. and the annual Conscious World Day. A portion of sales go to support the youth trainings and activities of the Conscious World Foundation, Inc.


Conscious World Foundation Inc. is a transformational 501c(3) nonprofit organization focused on the conscious awakening of life on this planet.

Our purpose is to create the next generation of Conscious Leaders. We train youth, aged 18-25, to become the leaders, who by working locally and globally, will forge a future in which all life on this planet thrives together in profound Oneness. 

To date, we have provided trainings to 18-25 year olds in 10 countries. Our vision is to provide conscious trainings to youth in 100 countries and become a major force both for the awakening of humanity and the collective creation of a higher-conscious civilization on Earth.

In 2024, we begin our first in-person trainings in Boulder, Colorado. Conscious World’s trainings combine instruction with mindfulness practices, all designed to empower youth to access higher levels of consciousness, then integrate their learnings into their daily and professional lives.

We support a world in which all humans have food, housing, education and health-care. This requires both a transformation of current systems and for each of us to step up and take responsibility for contributing our talents and skills to create this new Conscious World. 

“Conscious World” is a federally registered trademark.