Accelerated Coaching And Training To ACHIEVE YOUR IMPOSSIBLE!



If you want to change the world, you must first change yourself. Conscious Millionaire is at the forefront of conscious business and high-performance.

We catalyze your mission and profit goals with our 3-part performance formula. It turns your impossible into your possible, so you can achieve it.

Your impossible is whatever you are not able to achieve – yet.

It may be pressing problems you must solve or goals you haven’t reached. In order to achieve these, you need transformational shifts:

  • You may need to change your mindset.
  • You may need better business strategy.
  • You may need more effective execution.

Impossibles include day-to-day problems of managing your business, breaking free from slow or roller coaster sales, and hiring the right team to scale profits faster!

They also include your biggest goals like reaching new revenue levels, creating new products and services, building a high-impact business model, and achieving your bold, exciting initiatives!

To move past your impossibles, you can’t just “blast “through. You must transcend your current ceiling by tapping into your mind’s higher potential so you can see new possibilities!

Because until you see your impossible as being possible, you can’t achieve it.

Our clients are mid 6- to 8-figure founders, entrepreneurs, and teams seeking to perform at radically new levels, create greater profits, and make a powerful difference they feel matters!

What is the impossible you’re excited to achieve now?



Something is holding you back. That something isn’t only the mechanical, internal aspects of your business. That something includes you transcending to a higher version of yourself.

That’s because for your business to breakout, you must breakout. Both you and your team must transform for your business to reach its next exciting level.

We’ve uncovered the keys to ultra-performance: Mindset, Strategy, Execution. We coach you and your team to develop the right mindset and strategies, then execute to achieve your impossible!

Human Potential Drives Business Potential.

Utilizing our 7-Performance Mindsets, we train you to access powerful states such as flow and synchronicity, so you can radically expand your possibilities!

That’s how Steve Jobs envisioned the iPhone and then drove Apple’s Profits and Impact Higher!

JV Crum III JD/MBA, Founder of Conscious Millionaire, has made over 75 Million in revenues, millions in profits, and had successful exits. He designs all our programs and coaching.

1,000s have Participated in Our Trainings and Coaching. Millions have Heard Our Podcast.

If you have a company with mid 6- to 8-figure revenues, Schedule Your Time NOW!



Revenues mid 6– to 8-Figure? Schedule 30 minutes with JV! During your call, JV will help you identify what’s holding you back and provide an immediate step forward you can take!



“After years of struggling to reach 1M, I realized I had a “monkey mind.” Through JV’s guidance and coaching, I was able to breakout and perform at a significantly higher level. We created 100% growth from 1M to 2M in just 5 months, while skyrocketing profits!”

– *Jon Delucia, Client, Founder, Entrepreneur

“My business had plateaued. It wasn’t growing. Then I started working with JV and realized that I didn’t value my worth and wasn’t performing at my highest. Since JV began coaching and mentoring me, I’ve enjoyed an amazing 300% growth!”

– *Laura Sicola PhD, Client, Coach, Entrepreneur

“Mentoring and coaching with JV has helped me change my performance mindset. Our revenue had an outstanding 30% increase in just two months, and continues to grow rapidly!”

– *Pol Cousineau, Client, Marketer, Entrepreneur

* See Terms and Conditions, and Earnings Disclaimer.


Hailing from Boulder, nestled in the Rockies, JV Crum III is a world-class expert on human performance. Serial-entrepreneur with $75 million in revenue, millions in profits, and successful exits.

JV’s next book…Conscious Millionaire: Achieve Your Impossible!

JV lives a life of adventure and thrives on achieving what seems impossible. His greatest joy is taking others on a journey to turn their impossibles into their new possible.

Far more than a coach and mentor, JV is a transformational guide.

What is most unique about JV? It’s his ability to unlock your potential combined with solid skills in business analysis and problem solving to drive profits and impact.

He holds graduate degrees in three disciplines: business, law, and psychology.

JV also has nine-years of training in the Science of NLP / Hypnosis, as well as Gestalt Psychology.

Now in it’s 11th season, JV hosts the award-winning podcast, Conscious Millionaire Show, with over 3,000 episodes and 100 million listeners world-wide.

JV has a high level of awareness. He has lived at a Buddhist Monastery and Esalen. His purpose is to awaken entrepreneurs and leaders to create a world in which we all thrive together!

Favorites…Sound: silence / Spiritual: mediation / Nature: flowing stream or Big Sur coast
