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Health Disclaimer Notice: You are advised to always consult your health care professional, physician or licensed health adviser with all matters related to your health, and particularly related to all matters that require diagnosis or medical attention. prior to making any changes in your diet or exercise program. By listening to this podcast, radio, or tv show, you acknowledge that no health advice is provided and that the health reality show featuring JV Crum III and his journey with his personal goal of reversing his Diabetes, is an open journal of his specific decisions and results that he obtains for himself and is not intended to be health or medical advice of any kind. Further, Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, J V Crum III, or their agents, employees, guests, or health experts, are providing their opinions that are not intended as advice for you to follow. Always consult your health care professional, physician or licensed health advisor before making any changes in your health care, diet or exercise. You hereby release and agree to hold harmless same from any legal responsibility for your health or any results from choosing to utilize this information, or any information found on the various Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC websites, podcasts, radio shows, tv show/videos, blogs, or in their trainings.