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Join us as Kevin Harrington shares his insights and knowledge. On each episode JV interviews a marketer, successful entrepreneur, or expert on how to grow your business and reach your First Million. This is the show for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create a positive impact and make their First Million.

Discover the insider secrets as JV interviews the World’s Top Marketing Experts! On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Conscious Millionaire Podcast provides you with the mindset and strategies you need to rapidly grow your business.

Today’s guest… Kevin Harrington has been a successful entrepreneur for over 40 years. He’s an original “Shark” on the Emmy-winning TV show, Shark Tank. He is also the Inventor of the Infomercial, As Seen On TV Pioneer, Co-Founder of the Electronic Retailers Association (ERA) and Co-Founding board member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO).

Expert Areas


Guest’s 3 Golden Nuggets

  1. Don’t think you can do it all yourself, get a dream team
  2. Embrace digital market place
  3. Have the capital to do what you want to do

Recommended Book

Blitzscaling by Reid Hoffman – Get the Book

Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book

Next Summit

Move solidly to digital

Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy

Kevin wants to give back and empower entrepreneurs to build their business and take them to the next level.

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Key Person of Influence by Kevin Harrington – Get the Book

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  1. High Performer Formula – Get the exact steps you need to become a High Performer!
  2. Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!