Your 12 Month Accelerator Program to Grow Sales and Impact for Mid 6- and 7-Figure Entrepreneurs!

If you want to substantially increase your sales, grow long-term wealth, and positively impact humanity, the Conscious Millionaire Accelerator Program is for you.

It’s the first accelerator specifically designed for Service and Tech Conscious Entrepreneurs with mid-6 and 7-figure revenues. Your 12-month accelerator meets four weeks each month to accelerate your growth and momentum.

FOCUS: the group program is focused on coaching members to clarify the breakout results they want, then identifying and solving the problems that are holding them back..

The four trainings each month cover these topics: Mindset, Strategy, Execution, and Well-Being.

In addition, there are guest trainers on topics such as: legally protecting yourself and business, creating an advisory board, and preparing your business for an exit at your highest sales price.

  • Exclusive group accelerator for conscious entrepreneurs!
  • Shift from slow-growth into scalable-growth and impact!
  • Designed to accelerate the money your business makes!
  • Combines performance & well-being to maximize results!
  • Unlock your 7-Performance Mindsets for bigger success!

Accelerator is for Visionaries on a mission to change the world. Entrepreneurs with the drive and desire to build wealth by uplifting the humanity’s consciousness.

Our proprietary 7-Performance Mindset System activates you at a profound level of flow that creates synchronicities that connect you with new opportunities and possibilites.

BREAKOUT: Will this be Your Breakout Year? The year you breakout to a new, significantly higher level? It all starts with a conversation. Click the button and schedule now!