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Join us as Dorie Clark shares her insights and knowledge. On each episode JV interviews a marketer, successful entrepreneur, or expert on how to grow your business and reach your First Million. This is the show for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create a positive impact and make their First Million.
Discover the insider secrets as JV interviews the World’s Top Marketing Experts! On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Conscious Millionaire Podcast provides you with the mindset and strategies you need to rapidly grow your business. Today’s episode includes the world-famous “48 Hour Client Challenge.” JV puts his guest to the challenge of identifying, attracting, and closing a paying client in 48 hours or less!
Today’s guest… Dorie Clark is the author of the new book Entrepreneurial You. Her past books include Reinventing You and Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine. A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, she teaches at Duke University and writes frequently for the Harvard Business Review.
Expert Areas
Personal Brand Story
Guest’s 3 Golden Nuggets
- Build a trust with your audience – put valuable free content out there
- Go deep with your clients – Understand people you’re trying to help
- Leverage your knowledge – apply the internet to what you’re already doing
48 Hours Challenge
- Send one email to list announcing the offer to the first 40 people
- Build a big email list; Have an opt-in
- Build up trust with list with free content with high value
- Surveyed audience to find out what they’re interested in
Recommended Book
Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer and Brené Brown – Get the Book
Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book
Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy
Dorie wants to help other people get heard.
A “Cause” to Support
Fenway Community Health – fenwayhealth.org
Connect with Dorie
Connect on: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Website: dorieclark.com
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