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Join us as Ken Bator shares his insights and knowledge. On each episode JV interviews a marketer, successful entrepreneur, or expert on how to grow your business and reach your First Million. This is the show for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create a positive impact and make their First Million.
Discover the insider secrets as JV interviews the World’s Top Marketing Experts! On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Conscious Millionaire Podcast provides you with the mindset and strategies you need to rapidly grow your business. Today’s episode includes the world-famous “48 Hour Client Challenge.” JV puts his guest to the challenge of identifying, attracting, and closing a paying client in 48 hours or less!
Today’s guest… Kenneth Bator is the author of The Formula for Business Success = B+C+S. He teaches organizations how to create environments where employees actually want to come to work and customers want to keep coming back! As an expert in brand concept, culture building, and business strategy, he has assisted hundreds of organizations reach new levels of effectiveness.
Expert Areas
Brand Strategy
Guest’s 3 Golden Nuggets
- Understand your brand and who you are
- Understand your niche
- Don’t do everything yourself
48 Hours Challenge
- List of questions that goes deep into what the client is thinking
- Go through their answers for 20 minutes on the phone
- Give recommended next steps
Recommended Book
Reset Your Buttons by Mary Elizabeth Murphy – Get the Book
Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book
Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy
Ken wants to be able to impart the brand, culture, strategy, and alignment and the importance of it.
A “Cause” to Support
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund – www.nleomf.org
Connect with Ken
Connect on: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Website: www.btcinc.net
The Formula for Business Success by Ken Bator – Get the Book
Get YOUR Free Resources!
- 7 Figure Formula – Get the exact steps you need to become a High Performer!
- Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!