
Today’s guest… Bill Prater earned his reputation as America’s Business Alchemist™ by helping business owners and entrepreneurs break free of inertia and accelerate into the future they dream of. Bill created Scaleology® and the Business Mastery System™ as the core foundational principles of dynamic and continuous business growth. A typical client of his sees their company rising to a position of preeminence and is not satisfied with just “getting to the next level”.

Welcome to the Conscious Millionaire Limitless Performer Show for service and tech entrepreneurs who want to create limitless wealth, make a limitless impact, and enjoy a limitless life. Heard on the Conscious Millionaire Network by millions in 190 countries.

Heard by millions in 190 countries. Now in its 9th Season!

JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy is a serial entrepreneur, 34x award-winning international best-selling author, speaker, futurist and Founder / CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC. The Limitless Mindset and Strategy Coach, on each episode JV coaches you using the success steps he has developed helping entrepreneurs around the world to make bigger profits and a bigger impact!

Guest’s Expert Areas

Business strategy and execution

24 Hour Listener Challenge:

Ask yourself: 1) Based on everything I did today, am I closer to my long term vision? 2) What’s the single the most vital thing I can do tomorrow that will move me toward my vision?

Mindset for Best Business Opportunities

Focus on the vital few and ignore the trivial.

What Impact Would you Make on Humanity as a Billionaire

Facilitate the businesses of micropreneurs.

How to Stay on a Growth Path

The 3 page journal – write and stop after 3 pages.

Recommended Book

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason – Get the Book

Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book

Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy

Bill wants to be known genuinely as America’s business alchemist.

Connect with Bill

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Business Mastery: Dominate Your Market: How to Quadruple Revenue in Four Steps by Bill Prater – Get the Book

Get YOUR Free Resources!

  1. Born to Make Millions Empowerment Audio
  2. How to Create Your Amazing Life Empowerment Audio