Expertise: Master of Enrollment
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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Bill shares his journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.
Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Bill is the founder of Bill Baren Coaching and has become known worldwide as a transformational business coach. Over 20,000 people from 32 countries have participated in his online and live trainings. His purpose is to help conscious business owners make more money with their gifts by enrolling all the clients they want so they can make the difference they are here to make. He is the creator of the Big Shift Experience, Get Clients in Your Backyard, the Teleseminar Enrollment System, Time Mastery Program, and Master of Enrollment.
What is a marketing strategy that has generated profit for your business?
Bill’s strategy to bring in sales is using social media and tele-seminars. For profits, Bill will not bring on another project unless it will or has the potential of bringing in a million or more to the company.
Is there a success book you recommend?
Multipliers by Liz Wiseman – Get the Book
Aware; understanding the impact; ability to be your own coach.
What is the legacy that you hope to leave?
Bill wants to change the way business is perceived and ran.
Would you like to promote a cause that you support?
Soul Shoppe –
Links from this Interview
Bill’s FREE GIFT to you: The Yes Map – A simple 7 step process to get more clients today at:
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