
Where most programs for coaches leave off is where our private client work with coaches begin. We help you design and grow a scalable coaching business.

THE PROBLEM: most coaches think their real question is “How do I find more leads and clients”?

And, while that is the biggest question, or problem, for a coach who builds “coach practice”. Many coach practices are solo-preneur ventures that essentially result in having a “coaching job”.

Nothing wrong with developing a coach practice. In fact, this is the first stage for most coaches. However, if you want to make a big impact and create growing, sustainable profits, then you must move forward to the second stage, which is building a business…

Now, even if a coach incorporates, what they often create isn’t actually a business that is separate from them. They don’t own a business that can be considered an “asset”, be valued and even sold.

Thinking on a larger scale, stage two of your growth as a coach, if you want to create a big wave with your life, massively impact more people, and enjoy true financial success, happiness and fulfillment….

THE SOLUTION: the only way to end the problem of playing small is to become a “coach entrepreneur”. This occurs when you build a business that is separate from you: an actual “asset” that you can value as part of your net-worth and potentially sell.

And, this means you have a much bigger question to answer…

“How do I build a business that is an ASSET that I can scale and one day sell”?




Private Coaching can help you achieve…

  • Create a big vision of what is possible for your business!
  • Develop a mindset of being a true Conscious Millionaire!
  • Design your business model and strategies to scale fast!
  • Execute to increase profits by knowing the right steps!
  • Establish a systems-based approach for faster growth!
  • Build a team-map to utilize in hiring and training team!
  • Grow based upon pre-determined 1, 3 and 5-year goals!


Who are our Private Coach Clients? They typically have three or more years experience as a coach, reached 6-Figures in annual revenue, and have an entrepreneurial spirit. They want to create a bigger impact, build faster, and make more profit!

And, they are often wondering, “How do I Make My First Million”?

While the majority of our private coaching clients are business coaches, if you meet the above requirements and are a life coach, I personally invite you to apply to become a private client.

We want to liberate coaches to become true entrepreneurs who get their impact and message to more people, enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle, and take a path to becoming a Conscious Millionaire.




Apply for Accelerator Session with JV, CLICK HERE