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Join us as Diane Darling shares her insights and knowledge on how to build your business coaching and consulting practice. This is the show for business coaches and consultants who want to make a positive impact, put more money in the bank, and reach their First Million. People who want to change others and the world we live in through their coaching, consulting, and personal lives.
Revealed how you can grow your business coaching and consulting practice faster. On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Each show provides you with golden nuggets on how you can ramp up your business faster. Topics include: attracting clients, marketing, selling, creating your coaching programs, how to promote yourself, along with mindset, personal development, how to build a conscious business.
Today’s guest, Diane Darling knows the value of relationships and how to build them. She’s the author of McGraw-Hill’s definitive book on networking, The Networking Survival Guide. he speaks and trains thousands of people each year on ways to build relationships, leading to opportunities and growth. She has appeared on NBC Nightly News, in The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Boston Globe. A former columnist for the Boston Business Journal, she is currently a random columnist for a variety of publications. She taught in the MBA program at Boston University and is a member of the CEO Club in Boston.
Expert Areas
Networking to Get Clients
24 Hour Listener Challenge:
Make at least 3 phone calls and ask for a referral
Guest’s 3 Golden Nuggets
- Read, read, read
- Provide information
- Be clear
Recommended Book
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – Get the Book
Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book
Next Summit
Online courses
Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy
Diane wants to leave a legacy of information and that people remember her as someone who made them think of networking in a different way.
Connect with Diane
Connect on: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn |Instagram
Website: www.DianeDarling.com
Text “Diane” to 345345
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Get YOUR Free Resources!
- CM 7-Figure Formula for Coaches – Get the exact steps you need to grow your coaching or consulting business to 7-Figures!
- 3-Day Challenge for Coaches & Consultants – Join JV for a 3-Day Challenge as he coaches you to establish your 12 month goals and gives you the steps to make your first million!
- Entrepreneur Resources– Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!