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Conscious Millionaire Epic Achiever Podcast is an entrepreneurial, business, and mindset show that reveals the secrets of the world’s most Epic Achievers. Join Marcus Aurelius Anderson as he goes inside the minds of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, and experts who teach you how they turned their greatest Adversities into their most Epic Wins.
Today’s guest, Jeremy Ryan Slate is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world. He studied literature at Oxford University, Specializes in using podcasting and new media to create celebrity and was ranked #1 in iTunes New and #78 in the iTunes top 100. After his success in podcasting, Jeremy Slate and his wife, Brielle Slate, found Command Your Brand to help entrepreneurs get their message out by appearing as guests on podcasts. Bullet points for JV: -Jeremy is a new media ICON -His “Create Your Own Life” podcast has had the biggest names like Grant Cardone, Danica Patrick, and Seth Godin. -Jeremy teaches you WHY you need a podcast and HOW to create one that helps build your brand, business and bottom line!
3 Secrets, “epic trifecta”, for Entrepreneurs to Become Epic Achievers!
- Your purpose
- Your public
- End result
Recommended Book to Achieve Epic Success
The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone – Get the Book
So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport – Get the Book
Get “The Gift of Adversity” Book
Connect with Jeremy
Connect on: Facebook | Twitter
Website: commandyourbrand.media/checklist and jeremyryanslate.com
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- CM 7-Figure Formula for Coaches – Get the exact steps you need to grow your coaching or consulting business to 7-Figures!
- 3-Day Challenge for Coaches & Consultants – Join JV for a 3-Day Challenge as he coaches you to establish your 12 month goals and gives you the steps to make your first million!
- Entrepreneur Resources– Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!