Today is May 26, 2019. I’m “time stamping” this so that as you think out into the future, you know my starting point for this discussion.

Big Headline. Hope it got your attention. Big, but not hype.

I want to start this discussion by saying Conscious is being aware, it’s connecting to a bigger vision of what is possible, and knowing the trends and what is in demand in the marketplace. Conscious is being able to make your difference because you know what is working in business today.

The Formula for Creating Wealth, made famous in my book, is: Conscious Focused Action. That formula is at the heart of this discussion.

To benefit from this new gold rush, you must become Conscious not only of the trends, but the #1 Result you want to achieve by aligning with them. Then you must take Focused Action to achieve it.

You Must Think Exponentially Bigger!

In 2000, I predicted the NSDQ would fall to 900, it went on to fall from a high of 5,400 to 1,100 in that market collapse.

Then in 2005, I told friends and clients the real estate market was going to collapse. I sold my commercial real estate in 2005 and 2006. We all know what happened in 2008.

Those were predictions of catastrophes. Now I have a prediction of what I believe will be the greatest financial upswing and opportunity in our lifetime. A true gold rush – that has already begun.

An unparalleled profit opportunity for entrepreneurs who are prepared!

Of course, you have to make your own decisions and I have to disclaim I am not giving you financial advice. See the full earnings and income disclaimer on this website and accept that it is your responsibility to do your own research and choose your own actions and fully accept the risk of any decisions and actions you may take.

What I am providing is a high-level overview of what I believe could be the result of this new Gold Rush – the financial opportunity of the 2020 decade.

A Gold Rush for Entrepreneurs!

Entrepreneurs, their clients, and society could be of the biggest winners in the Gold Rush that is emerging now and may explode upwardly throughout the 2020 decade – not just logarithmically, which is linear, but on a quantum exponential level.

And, while there will likely be pullbacks in various asset class valuations, including a recession during the 2020 decade, if my prediction is accurate, that won’t change the dynamics, outsized opportunities, and big trend direction that are setting up right now.

Unlike the Gold Rush of the 1800’s, during which a “miner” had to be physically located in geographical areas, such as Colorado, Utah, and California, because of the internet and globalization, this new Gold Rush of the 2020 decade can be accessed and mined from anywhere in the world.

The 3 Factors Causing the Gold Rush…

The emerging Gold Rush is the confluence of 3 factors: (1) new trends in technology, (2) uplifting of consciousness worldwide, and (3) the power of entrepreneurship.