






1TBS of refined coconut oil (jar)

Dash (to taste) of ground sea salt and pepper
4-5 cloves of garlic

One vine ripe tomato

1/2 oz mol of roasted sunflower seeds

4 oz uncooked artichoke hearts (from frozen package)

4 oz sockeye salmon




Heat frying / saute pan approx 9-11 inches, medium heat

Add as heating – 1 TBS refined coconut oil

When oil is melted, add:

Chopped garlic, cut up tomato (small pieces with skin), artichoke hearts

Cook on medium heat, stirring 3-4 times, for approx 7 minutes

Add 4 oz sockeye salmon

Cook while flipping salmon 2-3 times until done (approx 7 -8 minutes)

Serve as main dish with a side of salad.

I had a side of Japanese marinated vegetables (cucumbers and purple radish)