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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Jason shares his journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.
Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Jason is a top business coach, and social engineering and persuasion expert. He works entrepreneurs and executives to help them get known and stand out by. He also helps them get unstuck and take the next step in their career and business. His bestselling book, Social Wealth, the how-to-guide on building personal and professional relationships, has sold more than 30,000 copies on Amazon.
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Expert Areas
Creating the Next Step in Your Journey
Biggest Entrepreneur Failure
Jason had a partnership that failed and he used that relationship as a crutch, which taught him that he can do it all on his own and to get out of an old way of thinking which created more success.
How to Generate Leads
Speak at places that have your target audience, get on podcasts, write contributor articles, put out quality content, and ask for free referrals from current clients.
Best Success Book
Give and Take by Adam Grant – Get the Book
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown – Get the Book
What “Conscious” Means
Looking in the mirror and asking ourselves the hard questions.
Create Your Ideal Legacy
Jason wants people to know they are more authentic, they are more vulnerable, they speak their truth, and they are generous in the world around them and they lead with that.
Would You Like to Promote a Cause That You Support?
Young Texans Against Cancer –
Connect with Jason
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Free Guide on that you can do to accomplish branding and networking:
Free Resources!
- Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire Institute!
- First Millionaire Manifesto – Discover the 7 Steps to 7 Figures. Build your 7-figure conscious business!
- Millionaire Inner Zone Audio – Empower your mind to consciously attract millionaire