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Join us as Jay Abraham shares his insights and knowledge on how to market to attract more clients, close more sales, and grow faster to reach your first million. This is the show for business coaches and consultants who want to create a positive impact and make your First Million!

Discover the insider secrets as JV interviews the World’s Top Marketing Experts! On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. The Conscious Millionaire Marketing show provides you with the marketing strategies you need to rapidly grow your coaching and consulting business, including the world-famous “48 Hour Client Challenge.” JV puts each guest to the challenge of identifying and closing a high-paying client in 48 hours or less!

Today’s guest, As the founder and CEO of The Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay Abraham is recognized as one of the world’s most successful/impactful marketing strategists, business innovators, entrepreneurial advisors/mentors, and masters of “revenue and performance enhancement and acceleration.” He has spent the last 25+ years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide. And he’s studied and solved almost every kind of sales/marketing/competitive-edge question, problem, challenge and opportunity.


Identify your products’ impact on the buyer’s life

Are there additional bonuses you could add?

Test offering

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50 Shades of Jay

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Keys to Creating a Great Lead Gen:

  1. 8-10 Hours of Audio and Video
  2. Instructions
  3. Applications
  4. Course
  5. Books
  6. Interviews



#1 Marketing Strategy to Attract Prospects:

Polarize; find who you resonate with most

Recommended Book

My Life in Advertising by Claude Hopkins – Get the Book

Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins – Get the Book

Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book


  1. Best email subject line ever: Send money, will explain later
  2. Quick marketing tactic to use today: Invest back into business
  3. Word or phrase every marketer should use: Preeminence
  4. Choose #1 marketing channel you like: Joint Ventures


Connect with Jay

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Get All You Can Out of Everything You Have by Jay Abraham – Get the Book


Get YOUR Free Resources!

  1. CM 7-Figure Formula for Coaches – Get the exact steps you need to grow your coaching or consulting business to 7-Figures!
  2. 3-Day Challenge for Coaches & Consultants – Join JV for a 3-Day Challenge as he coaches you to establish your 12 month goals and gives you the steps to make your first million!
  3. Entrepreneur Resources– Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!


