Expertise: Serial Entrepreneur
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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Kerry shares his journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.
Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Kerry became an attorney and life-long serial entrepreneur after graduating from The New York Law School. His diverse career has included: running a legal printing company, practicing commercial law and litigation, and founding a successful distressed asset investment company. Believing that inflation would eventually run rampant after the 2008 financial collapse, he realized there was a need for a reliable source for accurate information, so he dedicated himself to helping people protect and preserve their wealth. He urged investors to re-balance their investment portfolios and to implement precious metals based strategies to adapt to the new economic order. He is also a the host of the radio show “Financial Survival Network,” a nationwide alliance of investment professionals with a common objective: delivering the timely truth about sound financial.
What is a marketing strategy that has generated profit for your business?
A sales strategy Kerry has used is providing content to people with financial websites. For profits, Kerry has sponsorships with that he’s a good match for.
Is there a success book you recommend?
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Get the Book
Being awake and letting the energy power you.
What is the legacy that you hope to leave?
Kerry wants his legacy to be that he did his best, showed what was possible.
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