This is JV Crum III, Founder of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC. Welcome to Acceleration Coaching and Mentoring for small and mid-sized entrepreneurs and business owners. This program is limited to a maximum of twelve private participants at any time.
This is the “inner circle” at Conscious Millionaire in which I work with clients as a “collaborative partner, coach, and advisor”. It is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to make a bigger impact and turn it into a bigger revenues and profits.
I love helping entrepreneurs excel at levels they may have only dreamed of before!
Whether it’s making your First Million or Next Million, if you are seeking to make a big difference and reap big financial rewards, I’d like to hear more about you and your goals.
No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, or how much you have or have not yet achieved, there’s a dream inside you of a higher mountain you want to climb!
Want to discover your bigger vision and transform it into a high-growth business? Then its time for you to identify that one impact you want to make then turn it into a fast growing business.
Want to Propel Forward Quickly?
The core of my work is in the three key areas that make the biggest impact on the speed of growth: up-leveling your core perception of who you are combined with developing effective strategies and execution to bring your expanded vision into reality.
Because your level of success begins with who you are inside, your mindset, consciousness, and how you think about your business, I create a Custom Empowerment Audio for each private client. It is designed to transform your core identity so that you can achieve big results faster.
Your Custom Empowerment Audio will help you both exponentially shift and expand your mind, consciousness, and thinking about what is possible for you, the impact you can make, and the financial success, prosperity, and wealth you can create!
What is my coaching style and approach?
By becoming a “collaborative partner” with you, I help you get clarity, sort through complex problems, see blind spots, discover opportunities, and become decisive when it comes to establishing and achieving the right money-making priorities.
The entrepreneurs I work with are high performers. And, high performers always shoot higher, they want to make a big wave with their life. Even when they’ve just achieved a massive goal, they never “settle” for mediocrity. They are always hungry to achieve more.
Achieve More and Become More!
So, what stops so many entrepreneurs from achieving new heights?
The unfortunate, even tragic problem that most entrepreneurs experience is they plateau, get stuck, or literally can’t see the next big opportunity along their journey. This happens to every high performer on the planet.
As a result, they never reach what would have been their biggest, most lucrative, even most important success of their lifetime.
They literally miss out on achieving “the one” that would have secured their place in history and made their indelible mark on the world!
It just lays there, dormant inside of them.
Failing to live your purpose, achieve your potential, create that big change you are on this planet to accomplish, is the most painful failure anyone can experience. I don’t want that to happen to you.
Apply for Accelerator Session with JV, CLICK HERE
Now, imagine expanding your vision so it is 10x, 100x, even 1,000x bigger and more powerful, so it has that much greater impact. How would that change your life, the lives of your customers, the world in which you live? How would it change your financial success and wealth?
These are some of the results Accelerator Coaching and Mentoring can help you achieve:
- Develop a mindset that gives you a true edge!
- Create strategies to leverage opportunities!
- Select bigger goals and execute for fast results!
- Analyze complex business problems and goals!
- Utilize scenario planning to design your future!
- Define a larger purpose to drive your business!
- Select the right team to execute on your vision!
In addition, private client coaching can include developing, launching and monetizing a podcast as a way to both leverage your business and position yourself as an expert authority.
Apply for Your Accelerator Session Today, CLICK HERE