Expertise: Lifestyle Driven Business
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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Michael shares him journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.
Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Michael is an entrepreneur who, with the help of his wife, went from flat broke with twin newborns to building a successful business and starting a non-profit to give back every month. He is expert in crafting a life that makes you happy, fearlessness, photography, and doing good.
What was your biggest failure and what did you learn from it that’s helped you in business today?
A failure Michael faced was going into business with someone he thought he trusted and didn’t make any money, which taught him to take responsibility for his own life.
What is a marketing strategy that has generated profit for your business?
Michael’s strategies for getting leads are being unapologetically themselves and limiting how much they actually work.
Is there a success book you recommend?
The Power of Starting Something Stupid by Richie Norton – Get the Book
Being present and intentional.
What is the legacy that you hope to leave?
Michael wants to leave of legacy of purpose, to use his strength and abilities for purpose beyond himself.
Would you like to promote a cause that you support?
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