Expertise: Video Creation & Personal Growth
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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as Pat shares her journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.
Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. Pat’s mission is to partner with individuals to showcase their expertise and embrace success in a FUN, joyful manner. She accomplishes this with group presentations, consulting, and video production engagements. She is the author of Choose Success – Ignite the Power Within and creator of BizTV Shows, an Internet TV platform for experts.
What is a marketing strategy that has generated profits?
Pat’s strategy for sales is content video. She says that using videos online can help speed up the sales process by helping people getting to you know you better.
Is there a success book you recommend?
The Click Moment by Frans Johannson – Get the Book
What does “Conscious” mean to you?
Being in the moment; being aware of what’s happening and actually thinking about.
What is the legacy that you hope to leave?
Pat wants her legacy to be that one of her grandkids will stand up in a meeting someday and say that they work in the business that their grandma started.
Would you like to promote a cause that you support?
The Bethany House Toledo, Ohio –
Links from this Interview:
Pat’s FREE GIFT to you: Free copy of the Perfectionist Mindset Chapter in her book at:
Pat’s Book: Choose Success: Ignite the Power Within by Pat Altvater
Pat’s Website | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Follow Pat:
Pat’s Websites:, and
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