Check out J V Crum III’s article in the Huffington Post: “Become a Great Company to Work for!”
Welcome to the Conscious Millionaire Podcast summary of the week’s free podcast interviews with five successful entrepreneurs. We now have listeners in 123 countries!
Each week your host, J V Crum III, CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, interviews successful entrepreneurs, experts, and leaders in the consciousness movement about how to build and grow a conscious business that combines making a big profit with making a big difference.
This week J V’s guests are: Dave Fechtman, Larry Benet, Ty Richardson, Lisa Huetteman, and Clay Westerlund.
#69: Dave Fechtman: Create Business Velocity
Dave is the CEO of Velocity Advisory Group and the chairman of the board of a business incubator in Ocala, FL. He is a speaker, consultant, and certified executive coach who believes high performing organizations successfully execute strategy, develop leaders, and are intentional about their culture. He has over 15 years of experience, specializing in sales management, strategic planning and leadership development. Some of the industries he works with include health care, engineering, construction, manufacturing, banking, nonprofits, technology, insurance and award winning toy designers. He has conducted more than 175 strategic planning sessions and has trained thousands of professionals. Additionally, he coaches executives in midsized businesses up to Fortune 500 organizations.
#70: Larry Benet: Get More Connections, then Leverage Them for Big Mutual Wins!
Larry is the CEO of the Speakers and Authors Networking Group, SANG, a group of some of the most successful speakers and authors in the world. SANG Members and Participants include: Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Peter Guber, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanse, Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, Tony Hsieh of Zappos, and Paula Abdul. His goal is to raise a billion dollars over his lifetime through his connections, business ventures, and social influence. Larry is a strong advocate for many charity organizations. He believes that we CAN and WILL change the world, and solve the problems that plague so many of people here in our own country.
#71: Ty Richardson: Create a Life of Passion and Freedom
Dr. Ty Chaun Richardson has traveled the world, been an executive at a Fortune 500 company, and has started 3 companies. He received his Bachelor’s in Integrated Studies, focusing on Advertising and his Master’s in International Commerce and Public Policy. He completed a Ph.D. in Organizational Management focused on Generations X and Y. He remains dedicated to his passion, which is helping people.
#72: Lisa Huetteman: How to build a Solid Business Team to Grow Your Business!
Lisa is a nationally renowned expert on values-centered leadership. Drawing on over 30 years’ experience working with Fortune 100, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations, she has distilled the essential ingredients for building long term business success. She is Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Black Diamond Associates, Executive Coach, and Author of her new book The Value of Core Values: Five Keys to Success through Values-Centered Leadership where she shares the best practices of leaders who understand that while having the right strategy is needed to compete, having the right culture is essential for long term success.
#73: Clay Westerlund: Transform Your Knowledge Into Profitable Digital Products
Clay is a budding entrepreneur, a proud father, an avid snowboarder, hiker, and cross-fitter. He is passionate about learning, knowledge, and internet marketing. In his role as an Army Reservist he has served two tours in Iraq over his 14 years in uniform. For his civilian business he helps thought leaders transform their knowledge into digital products so they can share their wisdom and experience with a bigger tribe not bound by geographic limitations.
Conscious Millionaire Podcast: On his free podcast, Monday through Friday, J V interviews top successful entrepreneurs and business owners who reveal their business solutions and business opportunities on topics such as: conscious business, social entrepreneurship, business online marketing, internet business solutions, internet marketing, team building and culture, goal setting, how to become a wealthy entrepreneur, and developing a high-profit business plan that will change lives and the world.