Private Retreat with JV to Awaken and Plan Your Next Chapter!

Your one-on-one Private Retreat with JV Crum III, Founder of Conscious Millionaire, is completely customized based upon the outcomes you want to achieve. You also meet with JV for two pre-retreat sessions to clarify your objectives and a post-retreat session for integration.

You can reserve one or two consecutive days. Your retreat is typically held in Boulder, CO; however, it can also be held in other locations.

Given JV’s personal involvement, there is always limited availability. Here are three focus options, and you can interweave aspects of each. Or, choose other areas to include.

  • FOCUS ON BUSINESS: You can utilize to dive into your projects; develop strategic vision for the next quarter, year, or long term; or work on your exit-plan: identifying ideal buyers, maximizing your sales price, and creating a plan for your next chapter, post sale.

  • FOCUS ON BREAKING OUT: You can utilize to breakout, such as clearing old roadblocks that are keeping you from playing bigger, personally and financially. JV can also unlock and activate your 7-Performance Mindsets to liberate you to excel significantly higher.

  • FOCUS ON AWAKENING: You can utilize for a time of spiritual and consciousness awakening. Experience moving from “digital time” into “nature time” to reflect with JV: taking mindful walks in nature; sitting in silence, vision journaling, and meditation instruction.

Your Private Retreat includes an activation of flow at a profoundly high level so that you can create synchronicities that connect you with new opportunities and possibilities.

Your Private Retreat begins with a conversation. Click the button and schedule now!