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Join us as Rajeev Daswani & Maria Paz Jimenez shares their insights and knowledge. On each episode JV interviews a marketer, successful entrepreneur, or expert on how to grow your business and reach your First Million. This is the show for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create a positive impact and make their First Million.
Discover the insider secrets as JV interviews the World’s Top Marketing Experts! On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Conscious Millionaire Podcast provides you with the mindset and strategies you need to rapidly grow your business. Today’s episode includes the world-famous “48 Hour Client Challenge.” JV puts his guest to the challenge of identifying, attracting, and closing a paying client in 48 hours or less!
Today’s guest… Rajeev Daswani and Maria Paz Jimenez are the founders of MBS, a happiness center, a specialist Wellbeing at work consultancy. They have worked with hundreds of people through their many happiness & wellbeing programs, re-aligning corporate culture, reducing stress through mindfulness, creating cohesive teams through EQ & Behavioral tools.
Expert Areas
Mindset and Happiness Retreats
24 Hour Listener Challenge:
Reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with and tell them why you’re grateful
Mindset for Best Business Opportunities
Actively listen
Strategy to Become More Profitable
Always customize things for the receiving end so they feel special
Daily Action to Make a Bigger Contribution
Respect time and clear mind from clutter
Recommended Book
Firms of Endearment by Rajendra Sisodia – Get the Book
Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book
Next Summit
Expand to other parts of the world
Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy
Maria Paz wants to inspire as many people as possible to take on meditation.
Rajeev wants to empower people to connect to their inner gifts.
A “Cause” to Support
Climate change and 365give
Connect with Rajeev and Maria Paz
Connect on: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn| Instagram
Website: www.ahappinesscenter.com
Get YOUR Free Resources!
- 7 Figure Formula – Get the exact steps you need to become a High Performer!
- Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire!