About – Your Millionaire Path
for Conscious Entrepreneurs
At Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC, we provide you with the path, tools, and support needed to grow—personally and as an entrepreneur. We are committed to help you awaken your full potential and become the highest version of yourself. Our stated purpose is to help at least one million entrepreneurs around the globe to become true Conscious Millionaires.
By choosing the Conscious Millionaire path, you join our community of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs who are dedicated to building a high-profit business by evolving their consciousness and making a bigger contribution to humanity. Like you, they want to make a powerful difference and create a legacy that matters.
Whether you are currently an entrepreneur or seek to start a new business, you can become a role model of what it means to consciously become a millionaire.
As you take a conscious approach to business, you demonstrate to your customers, employees, outsourced staff, business associates, as well as family and friends, how to create wealth without sacrificing your values or integrity.
The world needs you to take your place as a conscious leader.
How do I become a Conscious Millionaire?
Get J V’s Best-Selling Book, “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference”. J V’s book is a complete guidebook on how to consciously start, grow and build your conscious business.
Also, download your free copy of J V’s “First Millionaire Manifesto.” YES, Download My Copy Now.
Like an estimated 85% of people who become millionaires, your most likely path for becoming a millionaire is by starting and growing your own business. Yet, only about three in a hundred – that is just 3% – become a millionaire entrepreneur.
Why do most fail to achieve their millionaire dreams? They lack the right coaching and right knowledge to make the right decisions at the right time. They are not on the right path.
We can help by providing you with the guidance you need to create your step-by-step road map, develop the confidence and mindset, and then execute your plan. Our coaching programs and products are specifically designed for conscious entrepreneurs like yourself.
As someone who has chosen the Conscious Millionaire Path, this can be an exciting stage in which you get in your Millionaire Inner Zone and achieve your results quickly and with more ease than you ever thought possible. It is a time to expand your consciousness and unleash your inner-potential to achieve more than you have at any previous moment in your life.
Further, if you are a member of a tribe of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs, you have people who are taking similar journeys. This gives you a community with which you can share one another’s successes and failures. By supporting one another, this can become a time of rapid learning and growth.
For many entrepreneurs, this is a period of extreme overwhelm as they either go it alone or have a small, often over-stretched staff. While choosing and designing products, building websites and other marketing materials, executing marketing to hopefully attract the right prospects, and closing sales, the new entrepreneur must also find time to step-back, reflect, and notice what is and is not working. They must also set goals and create a success plan. The business may be in “survival” mode.
The results you must achieve at this stage are defining your ideal customer and building a prospect list; selecting products and services that your ideal customers will both want and buy; and executing marketing and selling at a level that covers your sales and makes profits. You will also want to have short-term goals and a budget so that you can run a lean start-up; that is, you want to spend the least amount of money to achieve the largest income and profits possible.
The overall purpose of these results is for your business to develop a tested and working business model that creates predictable revenue, profits, and cash-flow. This prepares you to expand and grow during stage two.
The biggest fears many entrepreneurs experience are they won’t attract enough customers; they will make big errors and waste all their money; they will hire the wrong people or choose the wrong products; and, they often have a massive fear of being rejected when they attempt to sell. You may also lack confidence, feel you aren’t good enough or worthy to make money and become rich, or that you’ll just end up being broke before you have a real chance to live your dreams and make a positive impact.
Without the right coaching, mentoring, and knowledge, many entrepreneurs often feel a hectic overwhelm from not being sure which steps to take. Worse, they waste their precious money, time, and resources by making a series of bad decisions. We are here to help with coaching, training, business-building products and our First Million Programs to accelerate your business and personal success.
Because you have chosen the Conscious Millionaire Path, at this stage you are becoming a Master of being in your Millionaire Inner Zone. You are attracting exciting opportunities, making great business connections, and transforming the lives of your customers. You are formally systematizing, automating, and leveraging to create rapidly expanding income. You are on path, living your True North, and you know it!
For many entrepreneurs, their top challenge in stage two is how to balance working on their business, which includes goal setting and planning, with the day-to-day management and delivery of products and services. This can be more challenging for a heart-centered, conscious entrepreneur whose business is built around their skill, such as speaking, coaching, consulting, training, or being a healer.
Moreover, as growth speeds up, two new challenges emerge: how to expand capacity and how to fund it. Expansion of capacity includes which people to hire, technology to add, and office or other business space to acquire. Even for on-line companies, there can often be a need for a centralized space in which some or all people work together.
While you may have been achieving many of these results during stage one, it is during the second stage that you take a more formal and organized approach to these. It’s time to formally build systems for all your business activities. These include automating much of your list-building, marketing, selling, and product-delivery. As your business continues to expand and grow, you will need well-defined values and rules for how you operate. You will also develop specific, measurable goals for the next three years and a success plan for achieving them.
The overall purpose of these results is to support your business beginning to scale and create a strong foundation for an even faster and bigger expansion in stage three.
As your business begins to expand and your hopes and dreams begin to become true, it’s common to experience a wide range of fears. You may fear missing out on all the opportunities if you don’t act all of them right now; hiring the wrong people or not being able to afford the top talent; being too overwhelmed by all your responsibilities to continue to grow the business; borrowing too much money or not being able to get more funding; or trusting the wrong people and ending up broke.
Without the right coaching, mentoring, and life-changing knowledge, many entrepreneurs falter at this stage because of bad decisions, choosing the wrong opportunities, and not staying on track to attain the highest goals. We provide coaching, training, business-building products and our First Million Programs to help you accelerate your business and personal success.
As an entrepreneur who is becoming a Conscious Millionaire, you have learned how to consciously focus on your outcomes, take the right actions, and rapidly achieving new levels of financial success. On a daily basis, you live in your Millionaire Inner Zone. As your business becomes worth a million and then millions of dollars (see note), you feel the joy, excitement, and sense of accomplishment that comes with expressing at new levels. You are positively impacting tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of lives and you feel a deep fulfillment that radiates throughout your mind, body, and spirit. You are an ever-expanding conscious being who is changing lives and our world.
Note: While the actual formula for valuing a business depends on industry, a working estimate can be determined by multiplying the “net after tax cash-flow”, (which is the cash remaining after 12 months when all taxes have been paid) by a factor of between three to five times. For example: a business with five hundred thousand dollars in “net after-tax cash flow” may result in a 1.5M to 2.5M U.S. Dollars valuation; one million dollars in net after-tax cash flow may result in a 3M to 5M U.S. Dollars valuation. In actuality, the speed of growth can dramatically increase, or decrease, the actual value. A rapidly-growing company is typically worth more than a slowly-growing company.
For most entrepreneurs, the biggest challenge is shifting their role from having personal front-line execution duties, to assuming a true leadership role. This is a shift in which the major responsibilities become, as my mentor Gary Ryan Blair (our link to 100 Day Challenge) states it, “choosing what goals the business must achieve and why.” You must also learn how to effectively delegate execution of most priorities to your team, while retaining final responsibility for assuring that each goal is achieved both effectively (attain what you want) and efficiently (with the least number of steps and at the lowest cost).
Additionally, in order to rapidly grow from one million to two million in revenues, then to three, five, and up to eight-figures, you must meet these challenges: choosing talent who has a proven track-record for growing a seven-figure business; assuring that software, product distribution, and marketing-sales processes are designed to support millions more in sales; and creating the right organizational structure for the way you do business, which includes your business rules and culture. If the proper foundational systems were not fully-developed during Stage 2, another challenge will be keeping up with growth.
NOTE ON TAXES: As your taxable profits increase, you now have two types of challenges: first, making business decisions that will both maximize profits while minimizing taxes; second, as you begin to invest to create wealth, balancing the desire to reach long-term goals with the liquidity of having short-term investments.
By the time you reach this stage, you must have or develop a clearly-defined brand, which is the specific expectations your market can depend on from you. To scale quickly you must have the systems in place that will allow for income expansion. You must also provide products and services that your narrowly-defined and specifically-defined customers want and will buy. At this stage, it is critical to have strong budgeting together with financial controls and forecasting. You must analyze your numbers daily, weekly, and monthly. For example: results of each marketing activity, list size, each product and service sales, speed/time to sale, average sale size, gross profits, and rate of growth.
As your business size increases, you will likely become more sensitive to economic cycles and the timing of the next downturn and recession. You may find yourself afraid to expand because of signals in the economy or to take on new opportunities that require much of your current cash on hand.
We are here to help you meet your goals by providing you with resources, tools, and support. These include our First Million Programs. Conscious Millionaire Masterminds, and VIP Private Coaching with J V Crum III. We provide trainings designed to help you build a millionaire mindset, achieve six figures quickly, and wealth-building products designed to help you to achieve both your business and life goals.