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What does it mean to be a Conscious Entrepreneur? Join us as TJ shares his journey as a successful entrepreneur and provides an inside view on how you can make money by making a difference and become a Conscious Millionaire.

Discover how to become a Successful Entrepreneur. TJ helps leaders and executives speak more effectively to the media and live audiences. He trained CEOs, Presidents of countries, Nobel Peace Prize winners and people like you. He’s also a #1 USA Today best-selling author.

Expert Areas

Media Training

Biggest Entrepreneur Failure

TJ started a blog column with famous people and the tech bubble burst and left him with debt. This taught him that timing is important and be patient.

How to Generate Leads

Referrals and newsletter

Best Success Book

Kindle Unlimited

What “Conscious” Means

Reflection and thought

Create Your Ideal Legacy

TJ wants to help the whole world speak more effectively and reach their dreams by being able to communicate those dreams.


Connect with TJ

Connect on: Facebook | Twitter


Your FREE Gift

PDF version of Secret to Foolproof Presentations



Free Resources!

  1. Entrepreneur Resources – Get the 12 resources that we use to build and grow Conscious Millionaire Institute!
  2. First Millionaire Manifesto – Discover the 7 Steps to 7 Figures. Build your 7-figure conscious business!
  3. Millionaire Inner Zone Audio – Empower your mind to consciously attract millionaire