Guest Blog by Naren Arulrajah
From childhood, we are taught that success is the product of hard work. Unfortunately, we grow up into a world where some of the most laborious professions are also the lowest paid, and have the least room for advancement.
Effort is surely a building block in achievement, but it is not the magic ingredient. Neither is privilege, nor good luck. We have all seen people succeed against all odds. What propels a person from poverty to wealth, from millions to billions? The answer, is all in your head.
Stop wondering if you can, and start wondering how you will
According to psychologist and author Heidi Halvorson, most people mistakenly attribute success to an innate ability. In other words, we are convinced that those more successful than us must have an “edge.” If it is not advantageous circumstances, then it must be some inborne special ability.
Research does not confirm that view. Desirable attributes, including high IQ levels, are not considered reliable predictors of a person’s success. Instead, studies have shown people who use the best strategies, such as planning and commitment, tend to achieve the most.
What happens when you convince yourself that you lack the skills to reach the next level? You don’t bother making plans or creating strategies, because you feel like you are lacking an essential ingredient.
Just imagine thinking that you couldn’t visit your overseas office, because you lack the innate ability to swim across an ocean. Do you envy fish? No, you simply acknowledge obvious limitations, and create a strategy – such as buying a plane ticket.
If you feel like you are sinking, simply pick a better strategy, and fly instead!
Focus on building success, not avoiding failure
If you are focused on avoiding failure, you just might be avoiding success as well. Often, the lowest risk ventures also have the least potential, while those with more potential to fail also have more potential to succeed spectacularly.
Many people ask me how Ekwa catapulted from a fragile startup to a global leader in medical marketing, in less than a decade. Today, I could answer many ways, because the company’s success can be attributed to many factors. However, at the time it launched, I could not answer that question. Success was not guaranteed.
A decade ago, there were many thriving industries, with abundant opportunities and seemingly guaranteed success. Web design and SEO for dentists, dermatologists, and other healthcare professionals was not among them. Online medical information was scarce and less than half of adults turned to the internet when looking for a doctor. Furthermore, few doctors were interested in maintaining websites.
As one of the first and best marketing companies in the very specific niche industry, Ekwa quickly rose to prominence. When doctors began realizing the importance of good websites, our name was one of the first they heard.
Meanwhile, countless businesses launched in thriving industries will spend decades struggling against seas of competition to establish credibility and make their brands known. The vast majority of these companies, even if they are well run, will never touch the level of success enjoyed by the pioneers and leaders in their respective industries.
The secret to success is not a secret at all. If you are thinking about failure and limitation, that is the direction you steer your life. As soon as you start thinking and planning for success, you make a turn – straight toward the top.
About the Author:
Naren Arulrajah is President and CEO of Ekwa Marketing, a complete Internet marketing company which focuses on SEO, social media, marketing education and the online reputations of doctors/business owners. If you have questions about Internet marketing, call 855-598-3320 to speak one-on-one with Naren.