Your One-Day is designed to create the results that longer term coaching would achieve within a compressed time period. VIP Individual and Team Coaching Clients often find this is a useful adjunct to their regular coaching session to help them move forward faster.

There are three typical areas that are available for the One-Day experience; however, JV Crum III will work directly with you to assure that your experience is precisely what you are seeking.

Typical areas include one, two, or all three of the following:

  1. Developing or expanding your vision for what you want to achieve through your business – the impact, revenues, and profits you want to create.
  2. Mapping the key systems for your business and developing the over-arching strategies for creating fast-growth and high profits.
  3. Creating a Business Success Plan for the next 12 months that includes both your key goals and execution plan.

JV often utilizes NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and other high-impact empowerment techniques during your One-Day to accelerate your business and personal growth.

VIP One Day Coaching is by Application: Click here to Apply Now.

YOUR VIP PROGRAM INCLUDES: (1) Sixty-Minute coaching and information-gathering call prior to your One-Day. (2) Exercises for you / your team to complete prior to your One-Day and return to JV. (3) Your One-Day delivered either virtually or in person. If virtually, it can be split into two, 4 hour sessions.

OPTION ONE: An In-Person One-Day in Denver, CO. This a nine hour day with a lunch break.

OPTION TWO: A Virtual One-Day, recorded over the internet so you can review at any time. The Virtual One-Day can be split into two sessions of 4 hours each, held on different days (with 30 min break in the middle).

Note: One-Days are typically on Saturdays.