Welcome to the Conscious Millionaire Podcast summary of the week’s free podcast interviews with five successful entrepreneurs. We now have 1.9 million downloads and listeners in 160 countries!
Each week your host, J V Crum III, CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, interviews successful entrepreneurs, experts, and leaders in the consciousness movement about how to build and grow a conscious business that combines making a big profit with making a big difference.
This week J V’s guests are: David Shriner-Cahn, Ben Krueger, Dov Baron, Tom Poland, Julia Lundstrom
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#269 David Shriner-Cahn: Steps to Identify and Remove Your Roadblocks
David is the host of the business podcast Smashing the Plateau, which features leaders helping leaders break through barriers. He works with CEOs of successful companies who keep hitting roadblocks and created the TEND System™ to reduce stress, decrease costly mistakes and identify, find, integrate and manage the resources companies need to smash the plateau and drive success.
#270 Ben Krueger: How to Use Podcasts in Your Sales Funnel
Ben is an expert in driving business and growth. He is a world traveler, outdoor adventurer and student of marketing. He is dedicated to helping experts reach new audiences, share their value and be rewarded for it through podcasting.
#271 Dov Baron: Secrets to Authentic Leadership
Dov is the leading authority on Developing Authentic Leadership and is the world’s only Corporate Cultural Momentum Strategist. creating a corporate culture the generates fierce loyalty. He is the radio host of The Full Monty Leadership Show and his podcast, Leadership and Loyalty Tips for Executives, is the #1 podcast for Fortune 500 Executives. He is an international in demand keynote speaker and a bestselling author of several books, including his soon to be released: Fiercely Loyal…How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent!
#272 Tom Poland: How to Break Through Your Million Dollar Ceiling!
Tom is a serial entrepreneur who started his first business at age 24 and has gone on to start sell four others, taking two of them international. In that time he’s managed teams of over 100 people and annual revenue of more than 20 million. His work has been published in 27 countries and he’s shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame, Richard Koch from the 80-20 Principle, Brian Tracey and many others.
#273 Julia Lundstrom: How to Create Systems to Create Business Success!
Julia is a brain health leader who likes to refer to herself as a brain hacker. She is a serial entrepreneur and has owned and operated many businesses in her life. She has developed her own race track to take her business to 7 figures in just 24 months. Her passion is around brain health and helping entrepreneurs succeed. Her new book, The 9 Pillars of Brain Health: Improve Your Health and Your Life by Putting Your Brain First is due out next month in hard copy.
Conscious Millionaire Podcast: On his free podcast, Monday through Friday, J V interviews top successful entrepreneurs and business owners who reveal their business solutions and business opportunities on topics such as: conscious business, social entrepreneurship, business online marketing, internet business solutions, internet marketing, team building and culture, goal setting, how to become a wealthy entrepreneur, and developing a high-profit business plan that will change lives and the world. SUBSCRIBE to get all the episodes and your free gifts each week!