Check out J V Crum III’s article in the Huffington Post: “3 Secrets to Podcasting as Social Media Revolution”
Welcome to the Conscious Millionaire Podcast summary of the week’s free podcast interviews with five successful entrepreneurs. Each week your host, J V Crum III, CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, interviews successful entrepreneurs, experts, and leaders in the consciousness movement about how to build and grow a conscious business that combines making a big profit with making a big difference.
This week J V’s guests are: Mike Domitrz, Sandra Tisiot, Ellory Wells, Cheryl Pomer, and Wes Schaeffer.
#28: Mike Domitrz: Cause Marketing for World Change
Mike is a speaker, author, and the Executive Director at The Date Safe Project, Inc. After finding out his sister had been raped, he went into debt trying to educate the world about sexual abuse. He sold his business and could have gone bankrupt – but he was determined to make sure no one had to endure the pain his sister did. Now, he travels the world, speaking about consent and the right of men and women. His “Can I Kiss You” program has reached millions of people worldwide. But it’s not about the amount of speeches – it’s about the lives he can touch and the promise he made to his sister.
#29: Sandra Tisiot: How to Partner for Increased Profit
Sandra is the creator of MyLifeLocker, an organizational workbook where families can find peace-of-mind knowing all of their life information is on one spot. She has leveraged her business experience and contacts to forge several strategic partnerships to help increase sales. She has made an indelible mark in the financial sector in both the sales and management side of the mortgage industry by achieving top sales recognition with all four companies she worked with. She is also the co-founder of MyFirstSuit, a charity that collects clothing for the Women’s Mental Health Program at The Royal in Ottawa.
#30: Ellory Wells: How to Create Awesome Success
Ellory is a personal business coach who helps empower and equip entrepreneurs to take their offline expertise and turn it into a successful online business. His website began as his personal leadership blog and is a platform to share what he’s learned about leadership, personal development, personal branding and how to develop a leadership mindset. Only through teamwork and successful partnerships does he believe we are able to succeed both professionally and personally and take our individual potential to the next level.
#31: Cheryl Pomer: Create Total Prosperity
Cheryl is a CEO, innovator, and podcaster who is successfully established in the business and the health and fitness industries. She brings her distinctive brand for provocative productivity as creator of Leadership Physiology SystemsTM and Prosperity BlastTM. She has a passion for accelerating exponential growth. She goes not only teaches another way of enhancing executive function and health, but she also contributes to those who want to become more and make a difference in their own lives and others.
#32: Wes Schaeffer: Sales Automation for Entrepreneurs
Wes is the creator and owner of The Sales Whisperer®, a sales training, marketing and consulting firm with an emphasis on Infusionsoft sales, support, and optimization. He combines common sense with his formal training and attention-to-detail to help professional salespeople, sales managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs achieve growth fast. Since 2012 he has been the #1 reseller of the #1 sales and marketing automation software for small businesses. He is the author of “The Definitive Guide To Infusionsoft” and “It Takes More Than a Big Smile, a Good Idea & a Twitter Account To Build a Business That Lasts.”
Conscious Millionaire Podcast: On his free podcast, Monday through Friday, J V interviews top successful entrepreneurs and business owners who reveal their business solutions and business opportunities on topics such as: conscious business, social entrepreneurship, business online marketing, internet business solutions, internet marketing, team building and culture, goal setting, how to become a wealthy entrepreneur, and developing a high-profit business plan that will change lives and the world.