Mindset – Why You Must Make More Money

We all need money to live. We need to pay our rent, to buy groceries, to purchase clothes, to pay for education, etc. Many people are simply content with having enough money to meet these basic needs. But why settle for having enough money when you could have an abundance of money? A life of … Continued

Mindset – Make Money by Adding Value

Wealth is not a finite concept. The amount of wealth in the world is constantly shifting; home prices rise and fall and stock market prices go up and down. When there is economic expansion the overall amount of financial wealth grows. When there is financial contraction and recession the overall amount of wealth decreases. So, … Continued

Mindset – Adopt an Abundance Mindset

From the classroom to the boardroom, in the business world we are constantly conditioned to buy into scarcity, to believe that there isn’t enough. A scarcity mindset is your enemy. When you think there isn’t “enough”—enough time, enough talent, enough money, enough resources—you believe that you need to compete against and destroy your competition in … Continued

Mindset – Scarcity Mindset Destroys Businesses

When entrepreneurs have a scarcity mindset they often take dramatic actions in order to destroy competitors, attract more customers, and make more money. Because they think that there isn’t “enough,” they feel that they must destroy other businesses in order to achieve financial success. An entrepreneur in this kind of state of mind may often … Continued

Behind the Scenes – Your Personal Identity

In this week’s coaching video we will be talking about creating a personal identity that is both authentic, and compelling. How you show up in life has a massive impact on your personal and professional growth!  

Mindset – Scarcity Mindset Creates Financial Stress

In today’s world we are socially and culturally conditioned to think that there isn’t “enough” wealth. We are taught to think of wealth as a finite concept. In other words, because there isn’t enough wealth to go around, we are taught that we need to hurry up and grab our fair share. This scarcity mindset … Continued

Achieving Goals – Staying Totally Committed

Most people think of goals as something they hope to reach. This is one of the reasons most people fail to reach them. However, Conscious Millionaires view goals as results they are committed to achieving. When you think of them in this way, goals take on an entirely different meaning. When you say, “I am … Continued

Achieving Goals – Getting Totally Motivated

We’re going to touch on motivation, but the truth is – you should already feel far more motivated to succeed than you did before; remember that we aligned your goals with your passion and purpose. When you and your team are working towards something that matters to each of you, a purpose that transcends money … Continued

Achieving Goals – Setting Timeframes and Deadlines

If you goal is to build lasting wealth, and make a profound impact on the world the actions you take each day must become results focused; to grow and expand in your personal and professional life – you must make a habit of creating success days. The problem is that most people have no standard … Continued

Behind the Scenes – 3 Step Strategy

In this week’s coaching video we’re talking about one of the biggest mistakes business owners / entrepreneurs make, and that is trying to achieve a goal while you are still figuring out and defining what you want.